Drexel Engineering Noyce - National Science Foundation

NSF Noyce

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Drexel Engineering Noyce (DEN) supports the recruitment and preparation of engineering undergraduate students enrolled in DragonsTeach to pursue secondary STEM education as a career through scholarship awards. The United States and the world need more engineers and scientists, and we believe one DEN graduate has the potential to inspire three to five students a year to become engineers and scientists!

The broad goals of DEN include:

  1. Attract and support individuals with strong undergraduate engineering backgrounds to consider and explore teaching secondary science and/or mathematics as a potential career path;
  2. Prepare undergraduate engineering majors to get certified in STEM education;
  3. Produce at least 25 STEM teachers with strong engineering backgrounds and prepared to implement inquiry-oriented STEM instruction in secondary schools that include an engineering-design perspective;
  4. To develop, test, refine and disseminate a model for recruiting, advising, training and supporting engineering undergraduates to obtain secondary STEM teaching certification and enter the teaching profession.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number 1660747.

Learn more about the NSF Noyce Engineering Scholarship and eligibility requirements